In this section you may find latest news and press release regarding the Centro Pro Unione activities for Christian Unity, dialogue and Ecumenism. We collected articles, audio podcast and videos from a wide-ranging press/media outlets on the web.
The sources we have searched are Avvenire, WCC, Vatican News and Vatican Radio, L’Osservatore Romano, TV2000, Zenit, Rome Reports and many others.
Latest News
“Together | Gathering the People of God”
#Together2023The Centro Pro Unione is glad to participate to the event “Together 2023. Gathering of the people of God” with a Workshop titled: “History of a Future”.
For further information see

The event “Together 2023. Gathering of the People of God” – organized by the Taizé Community for the opening of the new phase of the Synod – will take place from September 29th to October 1st and is open to young people aged between 18 and 35.
For further information about the initiative and the full program see
In the afternoon of September 30th an Ecumenical Prayer Vigil will take place in Rome in the presence of Pope Francis and Representatives from various Christian traditions.