Welcome to the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement Website for Christian Unity

NEW  ·  Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025   →  Download Digital Material  /  Order Print Material    |    Latest Bulletin — Fall 2023  →  Download E-book  /  Read Online

   Week of Prayer for Christian Unity / 2025

Available print and digital material
Prayer Booklet, Poster and Daily Prayer
Materials for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 available in digital format on the website and for ordering hard copy
   Digital Format Material
   Print Material / Order Form

   Activities and Mission / 2024

Fall 2023 / Summary
  • Editorial Letter from the Acting Director — Timothy MacDonald, SA
  • Conference · (In Case You Missed It) The “Ecumenical Winter” is Over — Thomas F. Best
  • Conference · Baptism and Growth in Communion: Ecclesiological Implications of the latest Lutheran-Catholic Joint Commission — Dirk G. Lange
  • Conference · The Decisive Significance of the Book of Amos for Understanding the Literary Prophecy — Jack Bemporad
  • Formation Program · Summer School Rome 2024 — Ecumenical & Interreligious Movements from a Catholic Perspective
  • Synod 2023 · Together | Gathering of People of God — Workshop “History of a Future” at the Centro Pro Unione
  • Celebrative Event · Report M.A.D. for Ecumenism — Edition 3: “Synodal ecumenical workshop” presented to the Secretariat of the Synod as contribution specifically ecumenical to the Synodal journey
  • Annual conference in Honour of the Atonement Society Co-founders · “Towards a Contemporary Spirituality of Reconciliation” — Dr Prof Donna Orsuto
  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024 · “You shall love the Lord your God… and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27)
  • Ecumenical Networking · Visitors at the CPU / An honored visit of the WCC General Secretary Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay the Faith and Order Programme Executive for Ecumenical Relations Prof. Dr. Vasile-Octavian Mihoc
  • Overview of the CPU Activities · Annual Reports and Statistics 2020-2024
  • Editorial Catalog · Books and Course Volumes — A formative itinerary in Ecumenism and Christian Unity proposed by the Centro Pro Unione
  • Digital Network · Latest updates from our official media channels
  • Benefactors guide · Make a free donation to support the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement

MAD for Ecumenism / Module 3  ·  Synodal Ecumenical Workshop

The Centro Pro Unione offered its contribution with the activation of a Synodal Ecumenical Workshop.
The participants – a group of Catholic faithful – reflected together about their issues of Christian identity in contemporary society.

A response to Pope Francis’ call for “all the baptized” to participate in the Synod: the CPU offered its contribution to the Synodal process with the activation of a Synodal Ecumenical Workshop.

The first fruit is a document drafted by an Ecumenical Network of leaders, theologians and pastors from different Christian denominations who have endorsed some theological and pastoral proposals to the Synod.

These Consultants –exercising a synodal method– reflected together on the pathways that can be activated to address the church’s issues and renew its evangelizing power, with a view to reconstructing the contemporary social and cultural fabric.

The document responds to the demands of a group of Catholic faithful, assembled by the CPU for this project. In this context the assembled group of faithful was questioned about their issues of Christian identity in contemporary society.

The documents are presented to the Synod’s Secretariat as the CPU’s contribution in an effort to design a synodal ecumene in which the discernment and experience of the various Christian churches converge.

The documents will be available on our website as the result of Module 3 of M.A.D. for Ecumenism – Mutual Accountability Desk.

Visit from the WCC Faith and Order New Appointed Director and Delegation

On May 9th, the CPU received with joy the visit of the new appointed Director of the Faith and Order Commission, Dr. Prof. Andrej Jeftić, accompanied by Dr. Prof. Vasile-Octavian Mihoc, Programme Executive for Ecumenical Relations and Faith and Order.
The visit – which followed that of the World Council of Churches Secretary General, Rev. Dr. Prof. Jerry Pillay on March 23rd – was the opportunity for a cordial and informal exchange on FO projects as well as on CPU activities related to the Library (Dr. Loredana Nepi) and theological-formational projects (Prof. Teresa Francesca Rossi) enriched by the presentation of the charism of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement by Rev. Prof. Timothy MacDonald, SA, Rector of St. Onofrio Church.
To the guests from Geneva, our gratitude for the friendly attestation of esteem towards the CPU ministry and for the enriching meeting.

Picture (Left to right)
Dr. Prof. Andrej Jeftić, Dr. Teresa Francesca Rossi, Rev. Prof. Timothy MacDonald, SA,
Dr. Vasile-Octavian Mihoc and Dr. Loredana Nepi

#WCC #FaithandOrder #Ministry #CentroProUnione

Visit from the General Secretary of the WCC

On Wednesday March 22, 2023, the World Council of Churches’ General Secretary, Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay and Prof. Dr. Vasile-Octavian Mihoc, Programme Executive for Ecumenical Relations and Faith and Order paid a visit to the Centro Pro Unione.
This was Dr. Pillay’s first visit to Rome after his installation as General Secretary and the Centro’s staff is honored that he would request to meet us and learn more of how the Centro could be engaged in some of the future projects being planned by the Faith and Order commission.
Dr. Pillay was very impressed by the important documentation housed in the Centro’s Library concerning the international and regional theological dialogues and the fact that materials are present in many languages. The delegation also expressed appreciation for the formation projects of the Centro Pro Unione (specifically Mutual Accountability Desk for Ecumenism and annual Summer Course) and for the attention paid to the heuristic aspect of these projects oriented towards a constant meta-reflection on the dynamics of reception and ecumenical formation that the Centro has always activated. The Director and staff were able to speak about the on-going programs of the Centro as well as to describe future programs in development.
Particular interest was shown in the proposed Nicaea 2025 project. Drs. Pillay and Mihoc assured the Centro staff that we would maintain important collaborative relations in the immediate future.

Picture (Left to right)
Fr. James Puglisi, sa, Dr. Jerry Pillay, Dr. Teresa Francesca Rossi,
Dr. Vasile-Octavian Mihoc and Dr. Loredana Nepi

  WCC news · https://www.oikoumene.org/news/wcc-delegation-in-rome-visits-organizations-with-spark-for-christian-unity

Consolidated information on how to HELP UKRAINE      →     Visit site | stay up to date
Program of Events


Editorial Initiatives

See also
Catalog of Books and Volumes
E-book · Digital Edition
Logbook M.A.D. for Ecumenism — Module 1

Itinerary of a Historical Exchange of Pulpit

Logbook M.A.D. for Ecumenism — Module 2

“By baptism […] we walk in newness of life” (Rom 6: 4)

Printed Edition
Conosciamo i Fratelli — Vol. XIV

Brand new edition from the series "Brief course of Ecumenism"

Manual of Ecumenism

A new hands-on guide to Christian Unity


Semi-Annual Bulletin

Latest Publication

Bulletin Archives

Published Bulletin Digital / Print (1969-2023)

Fall 2023 / N. 104
  • Editorial Letter from the Acting Director — Timothy MacDonald, SA
  • Conference · (In Case You Missed It) The “Ecumenical Winter” is Over — Thomas F. Best
  • Conference · Baptism and Growth in Communion: Ecclesiological Implications of the latest Lutheran-Catholic Joint Commission — Dirk G. Lange
  • Conference · The Decisive Significance of the Book of Amos for Understanding the Literary Prophecy — Jack Bemporad
  • Formation Program · Summer School Rome 2024 — Ecumenical & Interreligious Movements from a Catholic Perspective
  • Synod 2023 · Together | Gathering of People of God — Workshop “History of a Future” at the Centro Pro Unione
  • Celebrative Event · Report M.A.D. for Ecumenism — Edition 3: “Synodal ecumenical workshop” presented to the Secretariat of the Synod as contribution specifically ecumenical to the Synodal journey
  • Annual conference in Honour of the Atonement Society Co-founders · “Towards a Contemporary Spirituality of Reconciliation” — Dr Prof Donna Orsuto
  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024 · “You shall love the Lord your God… and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27)
  • Ecumenical Networking · Visitors at the CPU / An honored visit of the WCC General Secretary Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay the Faith and Order Programme Executive for Ecumenical Relations Prof. Dr. Vasile-Octavian Mihoc
  • Overview of the CPU Activities · Annual Reports and Statistics 2020-2024
  • Editorial Catalog · Books and Course Volumes — A formative itinerary in Ecumenism and Christian Unity proposed by the Centro Pro Unione
  • Digital Network · Latest updates from our official media channels
  • Benefactors guide · Make a free donation to support the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement

Summer School / Rome



This course is designed to introduce participants to the ecumenical and interreligious movements from a Catholic perspective.

It will offer a historical and theological overview of the issues that divide Christians as well as the bonds that unite them.

The program will explore relations with other religious traditions.

The course, which is in English, is for men and women who are in preparation for ministry or religious life, who are in the mission field, who are ecumenical officers or members of ecumenical commissions, or who are looking for a sabbatical experience led by qualified professors and ecumenists.

Next courses

Summer School proposed dates

June 24 – July 12, 2024

Learn more
Summer School  /  Ecumenism Course  «PORTRAITS»

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


Print and Digital Material

Material for the Week of Prayer 2025 is available now for download and ordering print copy

Prayer Guide,
Poster and Prayer Card

WPCU / Materials and Information Pages
Interconfessional Theological Dialogues
Official Documents / Agreed statement

Denominations for confessional families churches and councils are searchable with associate and sorting capabilities of the available bilateral documents of dialogues

Documents FULL-TEXT

Latest Updates


Week of Prayer

List of celebrations in Rome

  Celebrazioni a Roma · 18—25 Gennaio / Celebrations in Rome · 18—25 January



🗓️  Jan 17 ― Ecumenical Vigil of Prayer

📎  bit.ly/Watch-WPCU2023-VP

🗓️  Jan 18 ― Vatican Radio podcast

📎 bit.ly/Listen-WPCU2023-RV

🗓️  Jan 19 ― Avvenire Newspaper interview

📎 bit.ly/Read-WPCU2023-AV

🗓️  Jan 19 ― Ecumenical Celebration of the Word

📎 bit.ly/Watch-WPCU2023-LC

🗓️  Jan 20 ― Bossey Ecumenical Institute Visit

📎 bit.ly/Read-WPCU2023-BI

🗓️  Jan 25 ― Celebration of Second Vespers

📎 bit.ly/Read-WPCU2023-VE
Ecumenical Celebrations

Week of Prayer

Vigil of Prayer for Christian Unity

Organized by · The Anglican Centre in Rome, Methodist Ecumenical Office Rome and Centro Pro Unione

Ecumenical Celebration of the Word

Co-sponsored · The Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas and Centro Pro Unione

Library spaces

Access our library reading rooms

The library of the Centro Pro Unione is open and our reading rooms are available.

Library Catalogue

Atonement Society Ministries

Our ministry for Christian Unity

The Centro Pro Unione is born from the ecumenical charism of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, a branch of the Franciscan family founded by the Servant of God Fr. Paul Wattson and Mother Lurana White at the end of the XIX century.

Its principle mission is to provide a place for research, meetings and encounters, formation in theological, social and spiritual ecumenism as well as promoting a sensitivity to the ecumenical movement.

Learn more by visiting the websites


Opening 60th Anniversary — The Centro Pro Unione which hosted weekly meetings between Council Fathers, Observers and Ecumenical Guests during the Council joyfully remembers the Council’s anniversary

11 October 1962 – 2022 — Fr. James Puglisi, sa, retraces some phases of the ecumenical meetings held in the spaces that are now the headquarters of the Centro Pro Unione and the legacy to be valued of the Second Vatican Council in our days. #SecondVaticanCouncil #UtUnumSint

   Video from the Ecumenical Formation Project — CONOSCIAMO I FRATELLI
   Video from the Ecumenical Formation Project — CONOSCIAMO I FRATELLI

Conferences Webinar

Rabbi Jack BEMPORAD · Director The Center for Interreligious Understanding


Presentation Nuovo Testamento GRECO — ITALIANO · Società Biblica in Italia (SBI)

Digital Network

M.A.D. for Ecumenism ― phase 3
1st session
M.A.D. for Ecumenism ― phase 3
2nd session
Series of Ecumenical Services
Week Prayer Christian Unity