Dialogue Description

Joint Lutheran ― Reformed ― Roman Catholic Study Commission on ‘The Theology of Marriage and the Problem of Mixed Marriages’
L – R – RC

Table of Contents
Meetings and Documents

Exploratory Meeting

Lutheran World Federation and World Alliance of Reformed Churches

  • a) November 12-14, 1969 – Cartigny, Switzerland
  • b) March 19-21, 1970 – Cartigny, Switzerland
    “Preliminary Examination of Issues concerning Marriage as Sacrament, Problem of Indissolubility and Validity
    of Marriage”

Preliminary Meeting

Lutheran World Federation, World Alliance of Reformed Churches and Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity:

  • December 15-17, 1970 – Rome, Italy
    “Study of the ‘Cartigny Proposals’; Possible Dialogue on Mixed Marriage; Relation to the Motu Proprio of
    March 31, 1970”


  1. November 23-26, 1971 – Strasbourg, France
    “Marriage Today from the Sociological, Psychological and Religious Points of View”
  2. December 4-9, 1972 – Madrid, Spain
    “Sexuality and Anthropology in Contemporary Thought; The Sacramentality of Marriage”
  3. October 22-27, 1973 – Basel, Switzerland
    “Indissolubility of Marriage”
  4. December 2-7, 1974 – Strasbourg, France
    “Indissolubility: The Distinctive Approaches of the Christian Traditions with Regard to Broken Marriage”
  5. April 25 – May 2, 1976 – Venice, Italy
    “Review of the Work of the Commission and the Final Reportç The Theology of Marriage and the Problems of
    Mixed Marriages (1976) – FINAL REPORT

    Link: www.prounione.it/dia/l-r-rc/dia-L-R-RC-01-final-report-eng.pdf


Prof. Dr. Dietrich Rössler, Tübingen, Germany (LWF)
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Ehrlich, Edinburgh, Scotland (1971-1974) (WARC)
Dr. Rachel Henderlite, Austin, Texas (1975-1976) (WARC)
Mrs. Jacqueline Stuyt, London, England (RC)


Prof. Dr. Harding Meyer, Strasbourg, France (LWF)
Rev. Richmond Smith, Geneva, Switzerland (WARC)
Rev. Olaf Wand, AA, Vatican (1971) (RC)
Dr. Wolfdieter Theurer, Vatican (1972-1973) (RC)
Rev. Pierre M. de Contenson, OP, Vatican (1973-1976) (RC)

  1. October 27-31, 1980 – Rome, Italy
    “Evaluation and Reaction to the 1976 Final Report” – RESUMÉ
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